
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Another Yearly Post

I think this could be my thing...

Promising of returning to blog but NOT. In one word, I could describe the state that I am in as floating. Nothing much to elaborate, just scratching the itch to write. You see, I have started as an avid reader. Somehow along the way, I find the joy in writing my thought process for others to read. It is therapeutic, to dump the mess tangled in my mind. I have other things to write too...so I better finish off the things I am obligated to write. Later....whenever I am able, I shall continue to write bits and pieces here. So...sayonara for now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

2017 Hopes from dying hopes

Whirlpool of events engulf me right in the middle. I was fast tracked towards enlightenment and awaken to an unfamiliar stories. Curious and cautious, I play the role of self portraying the inner desires and wants that have been submerged before. I found the unseen, the unspoken and unheard dimension of life. Such life...I am powerless.

Within me lies the answer...waiting for me to discover and connect the dots.  I see in those eyes, the stories, the calm and the pain. It was same as mine.

The never ending quest...breeds hope upon hope. Some that dies tragically, remain as poetic in this life story. Then new hope sprung to life, with different intent and purpose.

Miracle happened when hopes remains.

Friday, January 1, 2016

First Page in 2016

It's new year...2016

A new adventure, hope and dream begins. 

Last year, have been wilder than before. Lots of unexpected plot twist. Secrets unfolding itself. You get to know your real enemy and hidden enemy. Lessons have been learned. I am grateful, I am still intact in one piece...although I looked otherwise. I am getting wiser and patient than before, which is good. I easily forgive and be  able to accept things as it is. The most important of all...I have learned about myself that I have never known before and I embrace myself in a new light.

The highlight of last year is one special and puzzling episodes of coincidence, and I have yet to unravel its mystery. Its kinda weird at first, then awkward, next suspense and now its hanging. I can't figure out what Allah SWT planned for me. Could be a another life lessons perhaps? Nevertheless, I am looking forward for the next episodes. Hope I pass the test by The Almighty. I hope for a happy ending.

I am looking this year as the starting year....for my three year preparation embracing 40 series, where life begin they say. Yes, I have plans which of course not gonna be revealed here. Suffice to say, I am into self improvement, InsyaAllah. I have enough of my floating ways and days...now its time for me anchor myself to the moment. I have let my self slacking in anyway possible...some sort of liberating myself from my norms. It is fun initially but like any sane person, I don't want it to be permanent phase in my life. 

And life...here I come. Get ready for me!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Return

I have taken hiatus on writting in here. I kept the words in my mind and lately I can't contain it anymore. The past few years is a struggle. Moving back to my hometown, adapting to my new working place, settling in my own nest and discovering new environment around me. Its a lot to take on. I used to be open and all out about my feelings...but right then, I prefer to keep it bottled up in my head. I don't think people would care or even interested on read about personal my life. And with this assumptions... many attempts to write a post come out as a total blank.

Tonight, the urge to write is far greater than my self restriction. The need to purge words by words is unnerving...maybe its my overloaded thought wanted to be eased off. I have always been in deep thought. Searching for my own definitions and direction. I am in no man's land. I exist but not live. Days and night passes by unnoticed. Its been like in a dessert, any direction I turn...I can't be sure if there is an oasis. A lot of time I would come across to a fatamorgana.

Only 3 years shy away from THE forty series...think that I have seen a lot but still its not enough for me to carve a path of glorious life. I need a change...radical change. I am so comfortable right now...and need a kick start. Or literally a kick on my butt? My need to redefine everything...is so overwhelming and it scares me. I have to unlearn what I have learned...a painstaking process on its own. 

In one way or another, as we get older..our perspective differs. Our needs, wants and goals are somewhat evolved. When facing a dead wall, there is no way but redirect ourself to a new path. It is what I am going through now. Redirection of my life. Clearing myself from unnecessary junks I have put myself into. I feel the need to document this process so I would remember this moment. Hopefully the future me would appreciate and be grateful for being reminded of this era. 

If you wanted to comment. please leave you blog link...and I will visit you there.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Feeding Cimo His Pills

Cimo is not doing well...as i suspected earlier on...he may be a little anemic caused by blood parasite infection. He have gotten this before at 6 month old. His rich grey fur color fades and lost its luster, he loose lots of hair and i  think he lost his weight too. Since I am back from weekend visit to my mother's...his voice lost its volume. His meowing sounds like a kitten as if he have lost his strength and energy. I am troubled.

Resting after the ordeal of feeding him meds

The last time I fed him medicine;he was 6 months old. I was chasing him around the house and try to pin him down on the sofa. Success rate: 2%; as he breaks away from my hold and would spit it out pills most of the time. Weighing almost 4 kg, I can't wrap him around in face towel like I did when he was 3 months old. I assumed he would wriggle hard and break free easily because of his strength. Exasperated by this, i device a sneaky plan.

First: Get Cimo to relax and complacent by petting him
Second: Get him into laying on his back
Third: Make sure he is really 'high' from TLC...and the moment he closed his eyes, pry open his mouth by inserting a finger between closed teeth
Fourth: Quickly shove the pill in and close it; quickly but gently rubbed his neck to ease swallowing

The plan actually worked!! Yeeehawwww....

A baby boy who loves to cuddle...demand attention when and where he see fits

Deja Vu sets in...as today i have given him the same medication like before which consist of an antibiotic and vitamin B. The difference is: Double dosage for antibiotics accordingly to his body weight and the vitamin B is in a pill form. 

Trying to use the petting tactic, I failed! Cimo have grown wise and smart...and was able to 'sniff' my sneaky agenda (the curse of having smart cat!). After a few failures, i decided to give the old wrapping towel tactic a try.

Don;t have the heart to say no to this cuteness

I laid Cimo on a towel spread. He lay perfectly still on it...content to be wrapped around like a baby; even though he was caged for days (to protect Cumi and he litter). Cradling him, I make sure his front legs tucked neatly beneath the towel and pet hi till he is comfortable and high...and like before, i pry open his mouth...shove a pill inside and quickly rubbed his neck. He have been a good boy...and I cradle him for a while, enjoying his submissive demeanor (he look so adorable like that...not grumpy like his usual self) before he started to break away from me. Back  to the cage Cimo...sorry!

Note: Feeling like a good fur mommy....like the boss. Hahaha

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Entri #1 untuk 2013

Simpanan gambar dalam Gallery dan My Photo berlambak2 menunggu untuk dipost dlam blog.

Tapi sempena hari pertama dalam tahun ni...baik aku bercite apa yg berlaku pada hari ini. Sepanjang hati aku hanya merehatkan diri...walau demam aku tak seberapa...tapi tak salah kalau nak kasik badan ni manja kan? Ramai org yang gagah selalu cakap...lawankan perasaan demam tu...jgn peduli sgt badan yang sakit. Tapi aku ade idea lain....Allah s.w.t ciptakan rasa demam agar kita bg peluang badan utk berperang secara optimum dalam badan. Jadi apabila kita merehatkan badan....sebenarnya bukanlah kita memanjakan badan...hanya beri peluang agar snistem imun badan berperang menentang kejahatan/infeksi badan dengan aman. Segala bekalan oksigen dan bekalan tenaga semua ditumpukan kepada sistem imun agar ia lebih cekap mempertahankan badan kita.

Dek kerana seharian berehat...demam pun dah kebah..cuma tekak je perit. Maka agenda malam untuk berjumpa dengan teman lama diteruskan jua. Sayangnya...ahli ke-4 xde bersama...beliau pon demam...hanya kami bertiga je yang ada.

Memula kami berjumpa di Kubah Ria...maaf Intan...aku dan Ani lambat dari masa yg dijanjikan. Tapi dek kerana stok makanan kat Kubah Ria dah habes...makanye terpaksa ubah tempat. Kami ke Bimmers pula. Tempatnye ok kalau nak suasana happening...tp sebenarnye kami nk suasana aman untuk berporet...hehe...

Intan tak dpt tunggu lama sbb bb Haziq dah kepenatan...sudahnya aku sambung berporet di rumah Ani  bersama Kak Ana dan bonda mereka...

Adakah aku nak laporkan perihal ku berporet di hari pertama tahun baru? Mestilah tidak...Cuma sebagai permulaan di tahun baru dengan mengeratkan silaturahim adalah suatu perkara yang indah. Bertemu kembali setelah berpisah berbelas tahun kemudian....masing2 kami ada kisah tersendiri untuk dikongsi. Kami berempat adalah teman rapat di zaman persekolahan dahulu...mempunyai karekter berbeza...tapi anehnya kami boleh rapat bersama.

Jadi harapan pada tahun ini....agar aku dapat berhubung kembali dengan teman2 lama. Aku ingin warnai tahun ini dengan kenangan indah...untuk nostalgia masa hadapan.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Test Kitchen #4 - Kek Kurma Kayu Manis (Cinnamon Date Cake)

This cake is opened for order. RM 60/9.5 inch square (subject to changes according to dates price and availability). Self collect around Kuching area. Refer to Cafe Order for ordering details.

I never had a chance to spend much time in the kitchen. And if I do, I'd take the pictures of my baking and cooking project. Sadly, the picture never get published...still sitting in my memory card waiting to be blogged about. 

This time its different. I have been wanting to do light cake with dates. It just a matter of time. The basic cake is actually pound cake. But I have adjusted certain ingredient to that I could achieve the flavor that I want. Originally I only want to put dates in a basic cake. But as I went on baking...certain ingredients somehow get its way into my recipe. The best thing about this cake is my brother who only love chocolate cake have declared this cake is the second best in his preference. To have a fussy person like him to said that is an honor. Besides, a dear friend of mine insist to have this recipe. And would be happy to share to all my readers. Do me a favor, whenever people ask for this recipe...please ask them to get it from my blog. The more traffic I get from readers viewing my humble blog....the more motivation I have to update stuff that I love.

So everyone...get ready to bake:


The Ingredients (Bahan-bahan):

520g of flour (tepung)
520g of eggs (telur)
350g of sugar (gula) - can reduce the amount tp lessen the sweetness
520g of butter (mentega)
2 heapful teaspoon of cinnamon powder (sudu teh penuh serbuk kayu manis)
2 cups of coarsely chopped date (cawan kurma yang dicincang kasar)
3/4 cup of dried lorange rind (cawan kulit oren kering)
1/2 cup of finely chopped cherries (cawan ceri dicincang halus)
1.5 cap of vanilla flavor (penutup perisa vanila)
1/3 teaspoon of baking powder (sudu kecil serbuk penaik)
9.5 inch square mould (inci loyang segiempat)

Beat the butter till thickens. Set aside.
Pukul mentega hingga kembang dan ketepikan

Beat eggs and sugar till fluffy 
Pukul telur dan gula hingga kembang

Add cinnamon powder and baking powder to flour. Mix well. 
Masukkan serbuk kayu manis dan serbuk penaik ke dalam tepung. Sebatikan.

Add flour mixture and eggs mixture alternately to butter mixture and mix well 
Masukkan adunan tepung dan adunan telur ke dalam adunan mentega secara bergilir dan sebatikan.

Add in dates, orange rind and cherries. Mix well 
Masukkan kurma, kulit oren dan ceri ke dalam aduanan dan sebatikan

Bake in preheat oven in 170 degree celcius till approximately 45 min. Do not open the oven door in the first 20 minutes of baking. Test with clean skewer to check if it is done. 
Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 170 darjah selsius sehingga kira-kira 45 minit. Jangan buka pintu oven pada 20 minit pertama. Cucuk dengan lidi bersih untuk pastikan ia masak.

Note: For outstanding taste, use premium quality and fresh ingredients

Let me know if u have tried the recipe and give your comments in the comment section below. Appreciate if you could share picture of your cake or modification that you have made to make this cake taste better.