Hi...my name is Suria...i am a soy addict. My addiction just started few days ago...and till now, I can't stop myself from drinking soy milk at breakfast, lunch, tea time or even dinner. *sigh* Yes people...I can...with the power vested to me...drink a litre of soy milk a day...*head down*
Though there is nothing wrong (or sinful) with consuming soy...the second best thing next to animal based protein...but I am overwhelmed by my craving...what have I turn myself into? A vegie? Nah....won't go that far...
Soy...contain a substance known as phytoestrogen (which mimicks the estrogen in human body) that can help prevent cancer...maybe due to its antiangiogenic effect (angiogenesis is a synthesis of new blood vessel...often can be observed on cancer tissue...as they need ample nutrition for their growth). It also act as antioxidant...in not so direct translation...can maintain cells youth.
Soy goodness...is much more than what I can be bothered to write...and if it is a good food...what is the fuss?
Well people...our body will crave for something that have been lacking inside. My deduction is...low body estrogen...need estrogen...soy have estrogen...crave estrogen....and eventually...body will get enough estrogen. Hopefully this soy asdiction will compensate whatevwr lacking in my system...so I don't need to make a trip to doctor's office *scary thought*....
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